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Real Estate Land

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just LAND for listing "Land for Layman" – A focus deal on land and related matters in a region, fostering Land-Brokers and Land-Bankers among Land-Owners.
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Sourcing for Land

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Sourcing for land – a platform for the meeting of Land-Seekers and Land-Brokers, Land-Bankers and Land-Owners.
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We help our clients in dealing with land matters. We are registered estate agency firm practicing under Act 242 (Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act, 1981). Please get in touch with Site Admin at 012 8866 090 for further inquiries.

Welcome to justLAND.info!

AgentMY Online (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd (1535524-W) is the platform developer of numerous systems of online listings for agents, including justLAND.online. The objective of justLAND.online is to help layman like you to invest in land as a form of investment for capital appreciation.

Ask people around you, those who have made fortunes in LAND, you will be alarmed by the magnitude of investment in land! Due to scarcity of land, it has become the most permanent investment in real estate. Below are the common characteristics of land (according to land economics).

Characteristics of Land:

Land possesses the following characteristics:

1. Free Gift of Nature:

Man has to make efforts in order to acquire other factors of production. But to acquire land no human efforts are needed. Land is not the outcome of human labour. Rather, it existed even long before the evolution of man.

2. Fixed Quantity:

The total quantity of land does not undergo any change. It is limited and cannot be increased or decreased with human efforts. No alteration can be made in the surface area of land.

3. Land is Permanent:

All man-made things are perishable and these may even go out of existence. But land is indestructible. Thus it cannot go out of existence. It is not destructible.

4. Land is a Primary Factor of Production:

In any kind of production process, we have to start with land. For example, in industries, it helps to provide raw materials, and in agriculture, crops are produced on land.

5. Land is a Passive Factor of Production:

This is because it cannot produce anything by itself. For example, wheat cannot grow on a piece of land automatically. To grow wheat, man has to cultivate land. Labour is an active factor but land is a passive factor of production.

6. Land is Immovable:

It cannot be transported from one place to another. For instance, no portion of India’s surface can be transported to some other country.

7. Land has some Original Indestructible Powers:

There are some original and indestructible powers of land, which a man cannot destroy. Its fertility may be varied but it cannot be destroyed completely.

8. Land Differs in Fertility:

Fertility of land differs on different pieces of land. One piece of land may produce more and the other less.

9. Supply of Land is Inelastic:

The demand for a particular commodity makes way for the supply of that commodity, but the supply of land cannot be increased or decreased according to its demand.

10. Land has Many Uses:

We can make use of land in many ways. On land, cultivation can be done, factories can be set up, roads can be constructed, buildings can be raised and shipping is possible in the sea and big rivers.

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Navigate around this platform to check out the available listings, their ranking by Land Index (Lidx) which we have developed for comparison. Thank you.

Site Admin (07 Apr, 2024)

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